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Re: CIAC Advisory F-11 Report: Unix NCSA httpd Vulnerability

On Thu, 16 Feb 1995, Scott Silvey wrote:

> Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 17:49:32 -0800
> From: Scott Silvey <scott@swindle.Berkeley.EDU>
> To: www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu
> Subject: Re: CIAC Advisory F-11 Report: Unix NCSA httpd Vulnerability 
> # The problem is none of the patches of adjusting the size of the "tmp"
> # array in strsubfirst() really fix the overall problem.
> # 
> Any reason why the following wouldn't be an adequate fix?:
> void strsubfirst(int start,char *dest, char *src)
> {
>     char tmp[MAX_STRING_LEN];
>     strncpy(tmp,&dest[start],MAX_STRING_LEN);
>     strcpy(dest,src);
>     strncpy(&dest[strlen(src)],tmp,MAX_STRING_LEN);
> }
> If you see a problem with this, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Scott

First thing comes to my mind is that strncpy doesn't put a null at the end.
In the case where you have a MAX_STRING_LEN string the rest of the code
would run past the end of the buffer.  If you make tmp [MAX_STRING_LEN + 1]
and tmp [MAX_STRING_LEN] = '\0' you should be covered since strncpy will 
never copy anything to that index.
